Union Avenue UMC - Building Beloved Community

Union Avenue UMC, 1843 S. Union Avenue, Alliance

Worship Opportunities

In-person Sunday Worship and virtual Sunday Worship are offered at Union Avenue. Here’s how to join with us:

9:45 a.m. In-Person Sunday Worship – This service takes place in our Union Avenue Sanctuary.
Facebook Worship Video Recording. Each Sunday, we record our worship service and post it to our Facebook page in the afternoon. Services can be viewed at facebook.com/uaumc.
11:00 a.m. Radio Worship Service – We rebroadcast our 9:45 service beginning at 11:00 a.m. over WRMU-FM 91.1 FM.

Yoga Church

Yoga Church meets on the third Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the back of the sanctuary. Led by Kerry Cochran, the hour-long session includes meditation, yoga exercises, and a message. All levels welcome.

About Us

At Union Avenue, we grow deeper in our faith through prayer, worship, asking questions, learning, and serving our community.

Yoga Church

Visiting Union Avenue

North entrance to church

Youth & Children

Youth on camping trip

Ways to Get Involved

All ages get involved

Our Mission & Vision

Mission Statement:

Called to be faithful servants, sharing the good news of God’s grace.

Vision Statement:

Building beloved community.

At Union Avenue UMC, we put our faith into action. We love God by serving our community and working to break down the barriers that divide people from one another. We are partnering with God to build a better world.

Another cold and slightly icy coffee cart morning at University of Mount Union, but a little warmer than during the great January freeze! Hot chocolate, coffee, and cookies were served to students heading to class. ... See MoreSee Less
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Union Avenue UMC Congregational Statement of Love and Affirmation

Christ calls us to treat all equally as God’s children, not to distinguish any group of people as worth more or less than any other.  We therefore commit to love and affirm people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.