About Union Avenue

Learn about our faith family

Our Mission & Vision

Called to be faithful servants, sharing the good news of God’s grace

Union Avenue UMC continues a long-standing tradition of not just learning about our faith but also practicing our faith — all of which is consistent with the larger United Methodist Church being a mission church. There are many exciting ways for people to connect with ministries that help the poor and disenfranchised of society. The church offers people opportunities to serve food, provide clothing, repair and build homes, tutor children, be present with others through “listening ears,” participate in hope and faith-based services, support holistic health services, and connect with mission projects world-wide.

Our Team


Youth & Children

“Called to be faithful servants, sharing the good news of God’s grace.”


Frequently Asked Questions

When are your worship services?

You are invited to join us for our worship service and more on Sundays.

  • Sunday Worship Services
    • 9:45 a.m. Service in Union Avenue sanctuary
    • Facebook Worship Video Recording available on our Facebook page Sunday afternoon
    • 11:00 a.m. On radio, WRMU 91.1 FM (rebroadcast)
  • Sunday School/Bible Study – Start times vary; classes are offered for preschool age to adults
  • Youth Group (high school) – 6 p.m. most weeks during school year

Additional events are listed in the Sunday announcement sheet and on our calendar.

What can I expect on my first visit?

Greeters, friendly Union Avenuers, or directional signs will get you to the Sanctuary. If you arrive early, you are welcome to stop in Fellowship Hall for coffee, juice or donuts.

At the Sanctuary door, a greeter will give you a worship bulletin and Faith in Action sheet, or a kids bulletin. Sit anywhere you are comfortable where you can see and hear the service. We have a hearing loop that is compatible with most hearing aids. Large-print bulletins are also available from the greeter.

Our service includes music, prayers, Scripture and a message (sermon). Our members and regular attenders participate in an offering.

What is there for my kids?

Children are an important part of our congregation and we value them as full participants in the life of our church. We offer Sunday School classes (preschool to high school) and Youth Group, and follow Safe Sanctuaries guidelines.

The service includes Children’s Moments, a short, age-appropriate talk for younger kids. Kids bulletins with puzzles and more related to the day’s message topic are available from the greeter (ages 3+ and 7+).

Special kids activity bags with quiet toys, coloring pages, stickers, and more are located in a fabric box at the back of the Sanctuary to the right of the entrance doors. There is also a toy box in the room behind the Sanctuary for little ones needing room to stretch out or play.

What do I wear?

There is no dress code at Union Avenue. We wear everything from dress clothes to business casual to jeans. Wear the clothing that makes you comfortable.

Your presence is more important to us than your outfit! We believe the most important part about Sunday morning is showing up to worship God.

Where is the church located?

Union Avenue UMC is located at 1843 S. Union Ave. in Alliance, Ohio, 0.1 mile north of the intersection of Union Avenue (SR 183) and State Street (US 62). Here is an interactive map to help you find us.

Where do I park?

On Sunday mornings, parking is available all around the church building. Parking spaces for those with disability license plates or placards is available on the north side of the church building off Union Avenue. The glass entrance on the north side is fully accessible with an automatic door opener and a ramp providing easy access to our elevator which goes directly to the Sanctuary level of our church. Other entrances for Sunday are on the south side of the building (Hartshorn Avenue) and the front doors of the church on Union Avenue.

On weekdays, please park on the north side of the church in the parking lot between the church and Mount Union’s Bracy Hall. Please enter through the accessible, glass entryway.

Will I be welcome here?

ALL are welcome here. And all means ALL.

Who is your minister?

Visit the Staff page to learn about our Elder and Lead Pastor, Rev. Becky Weamer, and other staff.

How can I find out more?

We will be happy to answer other questions you might have about Union Avenue UMC. If you didn’t find what you were looking for on our website, please call or email our church office or, see the Staff page for contact information.