Small Groups at UAUMC
Fellowship with OthersUnited Methodist Men
Meet the first Sunday of every month at 8 a.m., September thru June, for breakfast and fellowship. One of the primary purposes is to raise money to support community and church ministries.
Apple Dumplings Project
The making and selling of these popular apple dumplings runs from late September to Thanksgiving. Money raised goes to the funding of community projects. Coordinated by the United Methodist Men.
Carnation Days in the Park
Sponsored by the United Methodist Men, and staffed by volunteers, brownies and iced tea are sold during this mid-August community festival.
Community Dinners
Volunteers prepare and serve a free spaghetti dinner on the first Tuesday of every month
at Christ United Methodist Church in Downtown Alliance. The dinners are sponsored by United Methodist Men of UAUMC.
Hearts and Hands Quilters
Volunteers create and distribute handmade quilts to offer comfort and support to those
experiencing illness, or to celebrate events in the lives of members of the congregation.
(Retirement from church service, special anniversaries in the life of the church, etc.)
Prayer Ministries:
Union Avenue UMC teaches and encourages an active prayer life as an essential discipline in one’s journey of faith. Prayer ministries are offered in worship, small group gatherings, the prayer chain, informal conversations with one another, and private pastoral care appointments with the pastors.